In order to obtain a large and representative participation of Portuguese museum professionals at this stage of the procedure, on February 26th ICOM Portugal launched an on line consultation.
This consultation was open up to March 31st, it was emailed to all members and, simultaneously, it was available on line through the communication channels of ICOM Portugal (site and facebook), to enlarge the number of potential answers and and guarantee the participation of all, members and non-membersand guarantee the participation of all, members and non-members.
There were 394 answers and the majority from participants did not declare being ICOM members, but the answer was not mandatory.
20 key words were presented and answers should state if they were considered Very Important, Important, Not very Important, Not Important.
The above charter shows the results:

The words that were considered more important were: Communicate, Inclusion, Research, Education, Preserve, Public, Tangible and Intangible Heritage, and Exhibit.
The words that were less voted, but still were considered relevant, were Wellbeing, Non-profit and Acquire.
Other than the key words proposed, the consultation also included an open question, asking for free contributions. There were 80 answers, proposing the words Community, Interaction, Accessibility, Collection, Interconnection, Creativity and Digital.
On March 11th, ICOM Portugal organized a joint on line conference with ICOM Brazil and ICOM Mozambique, in Portuguese, on the current consultation for a new definition of Museum. The moderator was the president of the international committee CAMOC, the presentation of the ICOM DEFINE procedure was made by Bruno Brulon, from ICOM Define, and the chairs of the three national committees explained how the consultation procedure was being done in the three continents, in those Portuguese speaking countries.
The conference reached 298 participants, with an average of 227. There were participants from Angola, Brazil, Mozambique and Portugal.
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